Broadleaf Studio 833 SE Main St Ste 318 Portland, OR 97214

Private Studio Hours
Wednesday- Saturday

(503)966-1222 text only

Email (preferred)

Opt-in notification- To opt-in to receiving messages, text START, for info regarding appointment details and aftercare with DLacie Jeanne LLC and Broadleaf Studio. If you would like to receive promotional materials and discounts, you will find those in the newsletter. Sign-up for the newsletter is separate from sending in your submission. To opt-out of messages text STOP, or text HELP for assistance. Messaging frequency may vary. Message and data rates may apply.

Privacy Policy- Your information will never be shared with any 3rd party or affiliate marketing. Data is encrypted and access is controlled and limited to D’Lacie Jeanne.



The Submission Form for new, medium to large scale projects is available quarterly. For exact dates, please sign up for any of the Newsletter options below.

Historically, word of mouth, and meeting makers in person, has been the way many people discover artists that they are interested in. Asking people where they got their tattoo, or asking friends for recommendations, or stumbling across an artist drawing at a coffee shop is a convenient way to discover a new artist. I've had many people offer to buy me a drink at a bar while I listen to them chat about their new tattoo idea. Membership costs less than a cup of coffee, and continues to make a huge impact in supporting my business. 

There are now 3 easy options for keeping up with booking opportunities:

The Free Newsletter- receive announcements when the books are open

The Basic Membership- includes priority booking when books are open, full site access, and discounts on products

The Gold Membership- includes priority booking any time of year, plus an annual care package, full site access, and discounts on products

I am deeply grateful for your support.
If you are interested in getting tattooed by me, whether you are a new client or a family member, this is the best way to stay informed.

Broadleaf Studio is located in the Buckman neighborhood of Portland, OR. The cozy studio is bright and filled with plants and art that depicts diverse, beautiful, and strong women. Antiques and a ticking clock are reminiscent of a grandmothers peaceful den. The studio is private, and the building is secure which limits traffic through the space. When you are in my chair, you have my undivided attention.

Please, read through the FAQ section of the website before you compose an email or text. I have thoughtfully tried to answer all of the questions that I receive to save both of us time and energy. Your time and thoughts are valuable, and I am deeply grateful for your interest in getting tattooed by me. Thank you for respecting my process. Until we meet, be well.